Project Scope Management is a knowledge area that covers only 2 phases of the entire life cycle of the project. During each phase, certain processes pertaining to this knowledge area take place. The processes are performed to ensure that all the work that is needed to complete the project successfully is included. This is better done in collaboration with a business analyst.
Project Initiation
There are no processes taken place during this phase.
Project Planning
During this phase, there are 3 process taking place: Scope Management Planning, Requirements Gathering, Scope Definition, WBS creation.
Plan Scope Management
It documents how the project and product scope will be defined, validated, and controlled. The components of a Scope Management Plan include:
- Process for preparing a project scope statement;
- Process that enables the creation of the WBS from the detailed project scope statement;
- Process that establishes how the scope baseline will be approved and maintained; and
- Process that specifies how formal acceptance of the completed project deliverables will be obtained.
the requirements management plan describes how project and product requirements will be analyzed, documented, and manged. It includes:
- How requirements activities will be planned, tracked, and reported
- Configuration management activities such as : how changes will be initiated, how impacts will be analyzed, how they will be traced, and reported as well as the authorization levels required to approve these changes;
- Requirements prioritization process;
- Metrics that will be used and the rationale for using them
- Traceability structure that reflects the requirement attributes captured on the traceability matrix.
- Project charter
- Project management plan
- Quality management plan
- Project life cycle description
- Development approach
- Enterprise environmental factors
- Organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
- Expert Judgment
- Data analysis
- Alternatives analysis
- Meetings
- Scope management plan
- Requirements management plan
Collect Requirements
It is the process of determining, documenting, and managing stakeholders needs and requirements to meet project objectives. Many of these requirements will be structured according to building codes, environmental regulations, design manuals, etc. Product requirements are capabilities specified to be present in a product. They need to be measurable, traceable, complete, consistent, and acceptable to stakeholders. They become the foundation of the WBS. All the project activities are based on these requirements.
The requirements are categorized by stakeholder and priority and presented as a list, an executive summary, detailed description, and attachments. they are classified as: Business requirements, stakeholder requirements, solution (functional/nonfunctional) requirements, transition (training) requirements, project (dates, contracts, constraints) requirements, quality (tests, certifications, validations) requirements.
Requirements traceability matrix links product requirements from their origin to the deliverables that satisfy them. It provides structure for managing changes to the product scope. It includes: business needs, opportunities, goals, and objectives; project objectives; project scope and WBS deliverables; product design; product development; test strategy and test scenarios; high level requirements to more detailed requirements.
- Project charter
- Project management plan
- Scope management plan
- Requirements management plan
- Stakeholder engagement plan
- Project documents
- Assumption log
- Lessons learned register
- Stakeholder register
- Business documents
- Business case
- Agreements
- Enterprise environmental factors
- Organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
- Expert judgment
- Data gathering
- Brainstorming
- Interviews
- Focus groups
- Questionnaires and surveys
- Benchmarking
- Data analysis
- Document analysis
- Decision making
- Voting
- Multicriteria decision analysis
- Data representation
- Affinity diagrams
- Mind mapping
- Interpersonal and team skills
- Nominal group technique
- Observation/conversation
- Facilitation
- Context diagram
- Prototypes
- Requirements documentation
- Requirements traceability matrix
Define Scope
It is the process of developing a detailed description of the project and product. It includes all the requirements. Product analysis include : product breakdown; requirements analysis; system analysis; system engineering; value analysis; value engineering. It describes the project scope, major deliverables, and exclusions. It includes: product scope description, deliverables, acceptance criteria (conditions), project exclusions
- Project charter
- Project management plan
- Scope management plan
- Project documents
- Assumption log
- Requirements documentation
- Risk register
- Enterprise environmental factors
- Organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
- Expert judgment
- Data analysis
- Alternatives analysis
- Decision making
- Multicriteria decision analysis
- Interpersonal and team skills
- Facilitation
- Product analysis
- Project scope statement
- Project documents updates
- Assumption log
- Requirements documentation
- Requirements traceability matrix
- Stakeholder register
Create WBS
It is the process of subdividing project deliverables and project work into smaller, more manageable components. It creates a subdivision of work into smaller, work packages. It can be done by phases, deliverables, or subprojects. Decomposition includes: identifying and analyzing the deliverables and related work; structuring and organizing the wbs; decomposing the upper WBS levels into lower levels detailed components; developing and assigning identification codes to the WBS components, verifying the degree of decomposition of the deliverables is appropriate. WBS ca be structured around Major Deliverables, or by phase, or by work package.
- Project management plan
- Scope management plan
- Project documents
- Project scope statement
- Requirements documentation
- Enterprise environmental factors
- Organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
- Expert judgment
- Decomposition
- Scope baseline
- Project documents updates
- Assumption log
- Requirements documentation
Project Execution
There are no processes taken place during this phase.
Project Controlling
In this phase, 2 processes take place: Scope Verification and Scope Control .
Validate Scope
It is the process of formalizing acceptance of the completed project deliverables. The client, the sponsor and other stakeholders approve the results.
- Project management plan
- Scope management plan
- Requirements management plan
- Scope baseline
- Project documents
- Lessons learned register
- Quality reports
- Requirements documentation
- Requirements traceability matrix
- Verified deliverables
- Work performance data
Tools & Techniques
- Inspection
- Decision making
- Voting
- Accepted deliverables
- Work performance information
- Change requests
- Project document updates
- Lessons learned register
- Requirements documentation
- Requirements traceability matrix
Control Scope
It is the process of monitoring the status of the project and product scope and managing changes to the scope baseline. During the project’s execution phase stakeholder expectations or requirements may change. These changes must be integrated into a new scope statement and work breakdown structure.
- Project management plan
- Scope management plan
- Requirements management plan
- Change management plan
- Configuration management plan
- Scope baseline
- Performance measurement baseline
- Project documents
- Lessons learned register
- Requirements documentation
- Requirements traceability matrix
- Work performance data
- Organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
- Data analysis
- Variance analysis
- Trend analysis
- Work performance information
- Change requests
- Project management plan updates
- Scope management plan
- Scope baseline
- Schedule baseline
- Cost baseline
- Performance measurements baseline
- Project documents updates
- Lessons learned register
- Requirements documentation
- Requirements traceability matrix
Project Closure
There are no processes taken place during this phase.
In predictive projects, the approved scope statement becomes the baseline that can be changed through formal change control procedures. Completion of the project scope is measured against the project management plan, while the completion of the product scope is measured against the product requirements.
Business analysts will determine problems and identify business needs; identify and recommend viable solutions for meeting those needs; elicit, document, and manage stakeholders requirements in order to meet business and project objectives; facilitate the successful implementation of the product, service, or end result of the project. Requirements are closed when the product is transferred to the recipient.
The Project Manager will tailor these processes according to the knowledge and requirements management system, validation and control procedures, iterative/incremental developmental approach, stability of requirements, and governance procedures.
In agile projects, there is less time spent in defining the scope but the focus falls onto developing prototypes in order to refine requirements. The requirements constitute the backlog.
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Next Knowledge Area: Project Schedule Management